Wednesday, April 3, 2013

#25 Baboons

#25 Baboons

Title: Baboons
Author: Kevin J. Holmes
Illustrator: Gerald D. Tang, Joe McDonald, Robin Brandt, and Rob and Ann Simpson
Publishing Company: Capstone Press
Copyright Date: 2000
# of Pages: 18

Genre/Category: Nonfiction

            I chose this book because my practicum class had been studying apes. I thought they might find baboons interesting too. This book teaches students about the different types of baboons. It explains where they live, what they eat, and it discusses many other interesting facts. There is also a hands-on game at the end of the book to play with a class. It teaches children that baboons work together to protect themselves.

            This book is composed of photographs. Many different people contributed to the illustrations in this book. The text and the photographs are formal. I have found that my practicum students really love to look at actual photographs of animals instead of illustrations. I feel like seeing the real thing helps them understand what they are reading.

            This book is appropriate for ages 6-8. The words and diagrams are not difficult to understand, but since it is a nonfiction book it is harder to read. This book would work for teaching students about baboons. It also would be useful when teaching parts of informational text. I read a book similar to this to my class and we made our own nonfiction book page. This book would also be a good book to use when teaching a class how important it is to work together since baboons work together and there is a game for the students to play.

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