Monday, February 25, 2013

#19- April and Esme: Tooth Fairies

Title: April and Esme: Tooth Fairies
Author: Bob Graham
Illustrator: Bob Graham
Publishing Company: Candlewick Press
Copyright: 2010
# of Pages: 28

Genre/Category: Fantasy

            I chose this book because the cover looked cute. It is about two young fairies, April and Esme, who think they are ready to collect their first tooth. The girls convince their mom and dad that they can do it, and then they fly off in the night to find Daniel Dangerfield’s house. When they get there, Daniel has put his tooth in a glass of water beside his bed, since his grandmother always puts her dentures in a glass of water at night. The girls dive for the tooth, but they wake Daniel up. Daniel goes back to sleep, and he thinks he only dreamed about the two fairy girls. In the end, the girls make it safely home to their proud parents.

            The illustrations were done in ink and watercolor. They each seem to have a wistful, magical quality to them. Bob Graham lets some of the pictures tell the story instead of words, and there are multiple pictures on some pages. The pictures are all set vertically, and they are very detailed. I even noticed that the fairy mother had a hidden tattoo on her arm. I also liked that the illustrator used mostly cool colors to depict how calm the night was when the girls were flying.

            I think this book would be appropriate for children ages 4-7. I personally did not really care for this book, but since it is about tooth fairies, many children can relate to it. I think teachers could use this book to discuss prologues and epilogues. This book actually has both, but I did not realize it at first. Since this book is about tooth fairies and losing teeth, I think this book could be used to teach about why children loose teeth or dental hygiene. Older students could even write about how they felt the first time they lost a tooth. Teachers could even discuss geography and how populations grow and take over land since this book deals with a highway being built near the girls’ house. 

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