Title: Honeybee Man
Author: Lela Nargi
Illustrator: Kyrsten
Publishing Company: Schwartz
& Wade Books
Copyright Date: 2011
# of Pages: 27
Genre/Category: Picture
chose this book while I was in the library. I could not find a book that looked
interesting that was published in the year 2000 or later, but then I came
across this book. It is about a man named Fred who lives in Brooklyn. He is a
bee keeper, and keeps his bees on the roof of his house. He cannot wait for the
day that the bees finish making honey, and he wistfully dreams about how the
honey would taste if the bees used blueberry bushes. Fred makes honey and gives
it to his neighbors. Then he takes a bite and realizes the bees did find some
blueberry bushes in New York.
illustrations were done using oil paints and collages. They are very colorful,
and they really show what it is like to be a bee keeper. On the inside of the
front cover and back cover, there are diagrams showing the parts of a bee and
different kinds of bees. There are also diagrams explaining how a bee house
works and parts of flowers.
book is appropriate for children ages 4-9. It has enough of a plot to make it
enjoyable for younger readers, but it also has enough
factual information to keep older readers interested too. This book
could lead to a lesson about bees. The book talks about how bees pollinate
flowers, have a queen, and produce honey. This book could also be used to
discuss the parts of a plant, or how different plants reproduce. The bees'
house is also described as a small city, like Brooklyn. The students could
study the differences between city, county, state, and country after reading
this book. The author also uses several similes to describe the way the honey
tastes. A teacher could talk about similes before reading the book, and then
asks the students to pick out any similes they find. This book has not won any
awards, but it is a very educational and interesting book.
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