Title: Chicken Joy on Redbean Road: A Bayou Country Romp
Author: Jacqueline Briggs Martin
Illustrator: Melissa Sweet
Publishing Company: Houghton Mifflin Company
Copyright: 2007
# of Pages: 30
Genre/Category Picture Books
I chose this book because the title said it was about a Bayou romp, and I thought that sounded interesting. In the story, the rooster gets sick and cannot crow, so Mrs. Miser Vidrine decides he will make a good stew. Mrs. Miser Vidrine ends up gathering vegetables for the stew while the hen, Cleoma, runs to Joe Beebee for help. In the end, Joe comes and plays wonderful music that convinces the rooster to crow again.
The illustrations look like painted doodles to me. Each illustration looks like it was done on a ripped piece of paper that has been taped into the book. According to the book, the artist used mixed media. Some of these media include Twinrocker handmade papers, collage, and found objects. The illustrations also contain speech bubbles, but these are all in French.
I would recommend this book for children ages 6-10. It is actually quite lengthy, and it is full of difficult words. Some of the words are even in French, so a teacher could do a lesson on French. It is set in Louisiana, so I think it would be a good way to start a lesson on the culture of Louisiana. The book contains several similes, metaphors, and personifications. Students could write down each one they see in the book and decide what category the sentences fall under. There is also a map in the front of the book that shows how Cleoma made it to Joe Beebee's house. This would provide a good activity for working on map skills. This book has not won any awards that I know of, but it is still an interesting read.
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