Title: Mabel O'Leary Puts Peas in Her Ear-y
Author: Mary Delaney
Illustrator: Kathy Couri
Publishing Company: Little, Brown and Company
Copyright Date: 2006
# of Pages: 24
Genre/ Category: Picture Books
I chose this book because the title sounded interesting and the cover looked cute. In Mabel O'Leary Puts Peas in Her Ear-y, Mabel's mother tells Mabel that she must sit at the table until all her peas are gone. Like children often do, Mabel devises a plan to hide the unwanted food. She puts all the peas in her ear, but she soon discovers that this makes it difficult to hear. Anytime Mabel's mother tells her something to do, Mabel mistakes it for something else that is just totally ridiculous. In the end, Mabel's mom finds the peas, and Mabel must find a new place to hide unwanted food.
The artist used watercolors and watercolor pencils to complete the illustrations. The book has peas and pea paraphernalia hidden on each page. Also, the pages have a lot of pink and green in them. The illustrations are adorable, and they depict Mabel and her dog doing silly activities. Some pages just have one illustration, while others have several different ones.
This book is appropriate for younger students. I would definitely not recommend it for anyone older than third grade. The entire book is a poem, and it would make a cute poetry lesson. Children could even write a poem about their least favorite food to go along with Mabel's hatred for peas. Mabel O'Leary Puts Peas in Her Ear-y could also be used to discuss dialogue. Mabel and her mom carry out a dialogue throughout the book. A teacher could also read the book, then discuss parts of a pea plant or how peas grow. I also think that it would be a fun way to talk about healthy foods and why you should not be like Mabel O'Leary and always eat your peas.
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