Title: The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?
Author: Mo Willems
Illustrator: Mo Willems
Publishing Company: Hyperion Books
Copyright Date: 2012
# of Pages: 32
Genre/Category: Picture Books
I decided to pick up this book because I thought my RITE child might find it hum0rous. It is another one of the Pigeon books by Mo Willems. In this book, the Duckling asks politely for a cookie and is given one. Pigeon just cannot understand why Duckling gets everything he asks for and throws a tantrum about not getting what he wants. In the end, Duckling tells Pigeon that he got the cookie for Pigeon. What he does not tell Pigeon is that he is going to ask for another cookie when Pigeon leaves, but this time with no nuts.
Mo Willems uses simple illustrations throughout the book. The Duckling and the Pigeon look like cartoons. Some of the outlining even looks like it was done with a black crayon. Willems also uses thought bubbles in each illustration to portray the dialogue in the book. I also found that often the Pigeon's words are much bigger than the ducklings. I feel that this helps add to the development of the characters.
The back of the book says it is appropriate for children ages 2-6, but I think slightly older children will still find this book humorous. I am going to use it with my 7 year old RITE child as a fun ice-breaker when we are getting to know each other. The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? could be used for a lesson on manners and not whining. The Duckling continuously reminds the Pigeon that he got the cookie by asking politely. It would be really fun to assign partners and have one partner be the Duckling and another be the Pigeon. Students could work on reading with feeling and fluency. Students could also make their own story similar to The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?. They could draw pictures and use thought bubbles to tell the story. I found a wonderful resource at this website. It is a full PDF document with activities and printables for this book. So far, I do not think The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? has won any awards, but many of Mo Willems' other books have won very prestigious awards including the Caldecott Honor.
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